Official Statement on Equinor Canceling Current Plants At Empire Wind 2 Site

Dear Neighbor,

Protecting our community and preserving our environment and quality of life are paramount to the Village of Island Park. I am pleased to share the welcome news that Equinor and BP have canceled their current agreement with New York State to construct offshore wind at the Empire Wind 2 Site.

This decision comes through an agreement by the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) to cancel the current Offshore Wind Renewable Energy Certificate (OREC) agreement with Equinor and BP.

The Board of Trustees and I have expressed our concerns and stood in opposition to this ill-fated offshore wind project. The voice of Island Park was heard loud and clear—we will not be taken advantage of. We will not allow any organization to compromise our health, safety, and quality of life for the sake of increasing their profit margin.

The Village remains dedicated and committed to understanding how offshore wind initiatives may impact our community. Although we are pleased with this recent announcement, we remain vigilant about Equinor, BP or any other company that will possibly re-bid in the upcoming state solicitation process for offshore wind. We will always prioritize the interests of our residents and keep you informed of any developments in offshore wind that could affect Island Park.

I join the Board of Trustees in applauding our residents’ advocacy against this project. I would like to express my most sincere gratitude to all who have raised awareness about this project and made their voices heard. It is only because we stuck together and voiced our concerns as a community that our message was heard loud and clear.


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