Flooding Questionnaire
April 11, 2020The Village is applying to be a member of the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s (FEMA’s) Community Rating System (CRS) program. Incentives for participation include flood insurance premium discounts for residents with flood insurance. As part of this program, the Village is preparing a Repetitive Loss Area Analysis (RLAA).
The purpose of an RLAA is to generate mitigation solutions for individual streets or areas, in contrast to a hazard mitigation or floodplain management plan, which examines community-wide flooding problems and solutions. The Building Department and/or Walden Engineering (Village Engineer) will be inspecting the exterior of each building in the RLAA. We will be looking at the type and condition of your foundation, local drainage patterns and whether mechanical equipment is elevated. Once the analysis is complete, a copy of the report can be obtained from Doug Groth, Floodplain Manager. He may be reached at 516-431-0600 for a digital or hard copy. The document will also be available on the Village website, http://villageofislandpark.com.
It would greatly assist the planning effort if we had information on flooding issues that you have experienced while residing in the Village. This information will only be used for internal planning purposes and will not be distributed. Please mail this questionnaire back to the Village Building Department at 127 Long Beach Road, Island Park, NY 11558 within 7 days.