5:30 pm
Winter Wonderland
Village Green (corner of Long Beach & Warwick Roads)The Village of Island Park is proud to present Winter Wonderland on Friday, December 15 at 5:30pm on the Village Green (corner of Long Beach & Warwick Roads).
The event will include Ice Skating, Christmas Tree Lighting, Inflatables, Hot Cocoa, a visit from Santa, and much more…
Tree lighting ceremony will start promptly at 5:30pm.
American Legion Post 1029 will be collecting toys for our students at F.X. Hegarty School.
Barwicki Family, Cameron Engineering, Congressman Anthony D’Esposito, EGP, Island Park, Oceanside, Lybrook, Gran Paradiso, Island Park Fire Department, Island Park Exempts, Jordan Funeral, Paccione & Sons Landscaping, Pastosa Ravioli, Salerno Insurance, Sentry Electric Corp.